Online Poster Portal

  • Author
    Leane Nasrallah
  • PI

    Dr. Tannaz Moin

  • Co-Author

    Leane Nasrallah

  • Title

    Perceptions of Cultural Competence Training at DGSOM

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  • Abstract

    Disparities in health and healthcare are prevalent and eliminating inequities begins with training culturally competent physicians. This notion was recently reinforced when a physician’s JAMA podcast questioned the existence of structural racism. As outlined by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Liaison Committee for Medication Education (LCME), cultural competence, or the capacity to effectively interact and communicate with people of various languages, thoughts, actions, customs, beliefs, races, ethnicities, or social and religious groups, should be a core element of medical school curriculum. To assist medical schools in integrating cultural competency training, the AAMC developed the Tools for Assessing Cultural Competency (TACCT) for medical school curriculum assessment and evaluation. Using the TACCT instrument, we measured faculty and student perceptions of cultural competence training at DGSOM and identified curricular areas of strength and areas that may be under-addressed. We hope our findings can help inform ongoing efforts to enhance cultural competency in the medical school curriculum.

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