Online Poster Portal

  • Author
    Elijah Bingham
  • PI

    Gary Holland, MD

  • Co-Author

    Elijah Bingham

  • Title

    Multifocal Chorioretinal Scars Among People Infected With Coccidioides immitis

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  • Abstract

    Introduction: Coccidioides immitis is an infectious fungal species endemic to the southwestern United States, as well as parts of Mexico, and Central and South America. Coccidioidomycosis, the disease resulting from infection by Coccidioides immitis, generally produces a self-limited respiratory pneumonia. In around 10% of cases, there is a dissemination of fungi beyond the lungs that causes a myriad of systemic disorders, including serious ocular problems. Disseminated infections of the eye are rare, so ophthalmic examination has not traditionally been included in the routine evaluation of either non-disseminated or disseminated disease. leaving questions about the characteristics and pattern of these reported lesions 

    Objective: Since the 1970’s, a small number of isolated case reports and one underpowered, uncontrolled serial study have described inactive chorioretinal lesions in the eyes of coccidioidomycosis patients displaying symptoms of active disease. It is unknown whether similar lesions occur in patients who have been infected with C. immitis, but remained asymptomatic to the infection. This study aims to elucidate a better understanding of these inactive scars and their relationship to C. immitis infection, which may provide insight into whether fungal proliferation and dissemination can occur silently, even in the absence of clinically significant disease. 

    Methods: We have begun a 5-Phase, multidisciplinary research program to better understand the effects of coccidioidomycosis on the eye. To present day, we have achieved a thorough review of the literature, established a positive case definition based on recorded literature and analysis of current fundoscopic images, and developed a structure and plan to execute future phases of our study. 

    Results: Study remains ongoing

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