Ryan Damm -
Poster Title
Addressing Black Maternal Health Disparities: A Simulation-Based Approach
Ryan Damm, BA, Rukhsana Khan, MPH, Kiran Kavipurapu, DO, JD, MPH, Kirsten Jensen, MD, Chiquita Melvin, MFA, and Yue Ming Huang, EdD
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Poster Abstract
This poster will present a simulation project aimed at addressing Black maternal health disparities. The project involves a simulation in a real delivery room with a standardized patient acting as a Black birthing person who has medical distrust. Throughout the simulation, OBGYN residents, anesthesia residents, labor and delivery nurses, and medical students use their interpersonal skills to build rapport with the patient while handling an escalating obstetric emergency.
The simulation is designed to show the unique challenges faced in maternal healthcare. As the scenario unfolds, learners tackle medical and communication challenges and must work effectively as a team. A key part of this project is the debriefing session, where participants discuss their experiences and talk about implicit bias and medical racism. The goal is to spark conversations that help clinicians become more aware and understanding of how these issues can contribute to health disparities. By reflecting on their biases and systemic racism, learners brainstorm ways to provide more equitable, patient-centered care.
This poster aims to give medical educators ideas and strategies for adding similar training to their programs. It will cover how the simulation is set up, how the scenario plays out, key findings from the sessions, and feedback from participants. By sharing these insights, we hope to encourage other medical educators to use simulation to address health disparity education.
Medical Education, Interprofessional Education, Simulation, Teamwork, Teaching Methods
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