Rashmi Mullur -
Poster Title
Complementary and Integrative Health in Clinical Practice: A Foundations of Practice Session to support patient-centered care.
Samantha Maisel MD
Serena Wang MD
Yvonne Caro C-IAYT
Sarah Gustafson MD
Peter Quiros, MD
Rashmi Mullur MD
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Poster Abstract
Background: Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) approaches are increasingly used by patients, but there remains a large knowledge gap for students and providers on the impact of these techniques, which often leaves patients without proper guidance. A needs assessment at DGSOM identified that there is student interest in learning about CIH, but lack of faculty education and bias are barriers to CIH education. To promote patient-centered care and address this educational need, we created a session which specifically addresses the clinical experience of caring for a patient using CIH.
Methods: Within the Foundations of Practice (FOP) course, we implemented a session entitled, “Complementary and Integrative Health in Clinical Practice”, for students to develop the clinical skills needed to evaluate and counsel a patient using CIH modalities. The session components were informed and designed based on the conceptual frameworks of Self-Determination Theory, Situated Learning, Experiential Learning and Spiritual Awareness. Students and faculty participated in a large group didactic which provided overview on the use of CIH. Students then engaged in an observed standardized patient interview, a case-based discussion, a supplement reconciliation exercise, and an evidence-based medicine exercise addressing CIH use.
Results: Evaluation data shows that this session has been positively received and addresses the common barriers that hinder education on CIH. Our standardized patients provided direct feedback which detailed their observation that students were more considerate as healthcare practitioners.
Discussion: This innovative FOP session successfully addresses the gaps and common barriers in medical education surrounding the use of CIH approaches. The small group session format was ideal to foster discussion on the challenges of CIH in clinical care. This educational session supports a non-judgmental and culturally humble attitude towards patients using CIH.
medical education, curriculum, teaching methods, clinical education, other Complementary and Integrative Health
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